Dealers and assistants trained to provide the best customer service

So that the authorized dealers and technical assistants can provide the best service to the dairy farmer, Reafrio conducts periodic training, both in the field and at its headquarters in Maravilha/SC. The guidelines are passed on by field technicians, engineers, and company partners to improve participant's knowledge of how all Reafrio solutions work.

In addition, the visit to the industry allows professionals to know the entire structure and processes involved in the manufacture of equipment. As products are constantly evolving, this improvement is required so that the company can better serve its end customer, as Reafrio's process engineer and milking engineer, Maycon Provensi, explains. 

"We understand training as an investment as our focus is to train ou technical assistants to do the best in the field, ensuring that good installation practices and after-sales assistance are meeting customer needs, ensuring that good installation practices and after-sales assistance are meeting customer needs, ensuring the benefits the customer seeks, when purchasing our equipment", comments the engineer.