Why consume more dairy products during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Milk Market
In times when immunity needs to be resistant, with the Covid-19 pandemic, it is important to eat well, so that immunity is stimulated.

An active immune system is essential to help prevent infections, whether caused by viruses or bacteria. Several studies have already shown the great importance of dairy products concerning immunity:


  • Milk is a natural source of calcium, a mineral that plays a central role in the regulation of immune cells, such as lymphocytes, that fight infections.
  • It is also rich in related substances that prevent infections, especially in children, acting as false receptors to prevent viruses and bacteria from causing disease.
  • Yogurt consumption, according to a recent study, showed that regular consumption reduced the occurrence of symptoms such as colds, cough and runny nose, classic symptoms of Covid-19.
Journal of Nutrition. 129: 1492S-1495S.
Nature Immunology 10, 1275-1282
British Journal of Nutrition, 98 Suppl 1:S68-73